Feature/ News A sneak peek inside one of Montreal’s most prominent penthouses [Photos] Our MUHC old montreal, penthouse, Real Estate
Employment/ Feature/ News Montreal’s Largest Summer Theatre Fringe Festival is Now Accepting Applications for Paid Positions Our MUHC employment, Fringe Festival Mtl, Summer Jobs
Culture & Art/ Feature Despite Fierce Online Attacks, Marvel Studios First Female-Fronted Superhero Film Rockets to Historic Debut Our MUHC Captain MArvel, Marvel, Trolling, Trolls
Feature/ News/ OH & Safety Falling Ice From 15 Storey Build Crashes Through Closed Sunroof And Strikes Woman On The Head Our MUHC accident, Falling Ice, safety, sunroof
Feature/ Home/ Lifestyle Montreal on track to overtake Vancouver as Canada’s second largest housing market Our MUHC houses, montreal housing market, realistate
Explore/ Feature/ Weather This interactive map predicts how climate change will impact Montreal weather in 60 years Our MUHC dunn, fitzpatrick, montreal, weather map
Culture & Art/ Feature/ Sports Future Expos to get a new baseball stadium in downtown Montreal if promoters get their wish Our MUHC baseball, expos, montreal, stadium
Feature/ Our MUHC TV™/ Take 5 Crowd and police weather storm to rescue a beer delivery truck from a selfish Montreal snowbank – Watch Video Our MUHC beer truck rescue, montreal, snow storm
Feature/ News/ Weather Montreal en route to new records, the snowiest Feb 13 and the longest snow run – Weather Guru Rolf Campbell Our MUHC montrea, record, rolf campbell, SnowStorm
Feature/ News Winter storm warning for Montreal between 25 to 45 centimeters starting Tuesday afternoon Our MUHC blizzard, enviroment canada, montreal, winter storm-warning