Montreal city council approves motion requiring restaurants to display food inspection results

Montreal city council unanimously approved a motion calling on the provincial Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (MAPAQ) to require restaurants and other food-service providers to display the results of MAPAQ’s inspections.
Ratings now available on the MAPAQ website are not user-friendly, the motion by the opposition Ensemble Montréal party, wants Montreal restaurants to display inspection ratings in front of the establishment.
Karine Boivin-Roy, from the opposition party, said Montreal is 15 years behind other major cities like Toronto, New York and Paris that already post food inspection ratings in front of food establishments. She also noted that there are only 31 food inspectors for Montreal’s 14,000 restaurants.
In Toronto’s Dine Safe program, restaurants are required to post green, yellow or red signs, displaying their inspection rating.