Events/ Family/ Winter Free Outdoor Site Is A Perfect Location To Start Your Nuit Blanche Festivities – And A Great Meeting Point Our MUHC nuit blanche, Quartier Spectacles
News/ Transportation Montreal’s STM Will Run The Metro All Night During Nuit Blanche – Free Shuttle Buses Are Also Available Our MUHC nuit blanche, Public Transportation, stm
Culture & Art/ Events Montreal’s largest all-night party Nuit Blanche starts March 02 with 200 activities at 140 locations across seven boroughs Our MUHC festival, montreal, montréal lumière, nbmtl, nuit blanche
Events/ Winter This winter festival returns to downtown Montreal, with great food, music, an all-nighter and lots of lights Our MUHC event, festival, montréal lumière, nuit blanche, nuit gourmande